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                IDG Board

                Board of Directors

                Jiang Guoxiong

                Chairman of the Board, Secretary of the Party Committee of WXIDG

                Sun Hongwei

                Director of the Board, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President 

                Liu Tao

                Director of the Board, Vice President

                Wan Guanqing

                Director of the Board, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Wuxi Guolian Development Group Co., Ltd

                Zhu Jianming

                Director of the Board, Chairman of Wuxi Automobile Industry Association and Vice President of China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association

                Board of Supervisors

                Zhu Yu'an

                Acting Chairman of the Board, Deputy Director of Wuxi Supervisory Management Center

                Ma XuGe

                Supervisor, from Wuxi City Directors and Supervisors (CFO) Management Center

                Cai Junfeng

                Supervisor, from Wuxi City Directors and Supervisors (CFO) Management Center

                Shi Xingyuan

                Employee Supervisor, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Labor Union ofWeifu Hi-Tech Group Co., Ltd

                Huang Shiqiang

                Employee Supervisor, Deputy Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee and Director of the Organization and Personnel Department of WXIDG

                Management Team

                Sun Hongwei

                Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President

                Liu Tao

                Vice President

                Fang Tao

                Vice President

                Pu Jian

                Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee

                Jin Lei Vice President
                Zhang Xiaogeng
                Tian Junwen