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                Corporate Culture

                    Wuxi Industry Development Group Co., Ltd. is a large-scale comprehensive state-owned enterprise group established by Wuxi Municipal People's Government in April 2008. At present, it has 33 wholly-owned and holding enterprises and public institutions, and 30 shareholding enterprises, consisting of the 6 main businesses of advanced manufacturing, microelectronics, new energy, new materials, environmental protection and modern services. In 2017, its wholly-owned and holding enterprises achieve operating income of 24.285 billion yuan, total profits of 3.201 billion yuan, and total business income of over 70 billion yuan. Wuxi Industry Development Group Co., Ltd. ranks among China’s top 500 enterprises for 9 consecutive years, and was awarded honorary titles of "Jiangsu Provincial Advanced Grassroots Party Organization of Promoting Excellence and Scientific Developments", "Advanced Organization of Chinese Enterprise Culture Development".